Doctorate Degrees

Doctorate Degrees

Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction

Coursework for the program includes an emphasis on research theory and content area expertise. Program graduates are eligible to be recommended for the Class AAAA Mississippi Educator License. The Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D. program provides both practical and theoretical training for a wide variety of leadership positions in colleges, universities and school districts, ensuring that graduates are well prepared for wherever their career takes them.

Admission Criteria

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree requires a minimum of 90 semester hours of graduate coursework beyond the bachelor's degree. The coursework beyond the bachelor's program is intended for professional educators entering the field of teacher education and/or conducting educational research. 

Students enrolling in the PhD in Curriculum and Instruction can choose from the following concentrations: Elementary Education, Secondary Education and Special education. Licensure to teach or eligibility for licensure is required for all concentrations.



Dr. Rebecca R. Robichaux-Davis
Elementary Education

Dr. Paul E. Binford
Secondary Education

Dr. Patricia Hampshire
Special Education

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership

The program for Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership with a concentration in P-12 School Leadership is designed for experienced professional educators interested in leading and managing schools, school districts, educational associations, foundations, and state departments of education.  Program candidates learn state-of-the-art executive skills, applied theory, ethical decision making and problem solving, organizational structure and function, systems analysis, strategic planning, curriculum assessment and improvement, human resource management, school law, school finance, facility design, and public relations.

The program prepares licensed school leaders for executive level leadership roles and opportunities while also advancing their knowledge as scholars and educational researchers.

Admission Criteria

To be eligible for admission to the program, the applicant must hold a master's degree from an accredited institution, meet the basic requirements specified for graduate students at Mississippi State University, demonstrate interest in the mission of P-12 schools, and demonstrate academic proficiency based on the following indicators:

  1. Grade point average (GPA) of 3.40 on a 4.00 scale on previous graduate degree(s);
  2. Letter of endorsement from superintendent and two other letters of reference;
  3. Statement of purpose;
  4. Administrator's license and evidence of current and continuing school administration experience;
  5. Résumé; and
  6. Interview


Leading and Managing in Educational Environments 30
EDA 8163 Public School Finance 1 3
EDA/HED 8223 Seminar in Administration 1 3
EDA/HED 8283 Educational Leadership 1 3
EDA/HED 8353 Applications of Theory to Educational Administration 1 3
EDA 8413 Human Resources Administration in Education 3
EDA 8423 Law and Ethics in Educational Leadership 3
EDA 8433 The Superintendency 3
EDA 8443 Politics and Policy in Educational Leadership 3
EDA 8453 Instructional Leadership 3
EDA 8463 Technology and Communication in Educational Leadership 3
Applied Research
Select a minimum of five of the following: 17
EPY 6214 Educational and Psychological Statistics  
EPY 8214 Int Educational and Psychological Statistics  
EPY 9213 Multi Analysis in Educational Research  
EPY 9263 Applied Research Seminar  
EDF 9373 Educational Research Design  
EDF 9463 Qualitative Data Collection in Education  
EDF 9473 Qualitative Data Analysis and Presentation in Education  
EDA 8473 Introduction to Research in Educational Leadership  
Dissertation Research
EDA 9000 Dissertation Research /Dissertation in Educational Leadership (hours and credits to be arranged; minimum of 20 hours required) 2 20
Additional courses if needed
EDA 8210 Internship in Supervision and Administration 3 3
EDA 8323 Educational Facilities Design 3
EDA 8190 Workshop in Educational Leadership 3
Total Hours 67-76

1 These courses must be completed at MSU. Many of these courses require prerequisites. The specific number of courses in Educational Administration required for a particular student may vary depending on previous degrees and experience.

2 The student's dissertation research must address problems particular to elementary, middle, or secondary education administration. In addition to successfully completing at least five applied research courses, students are expected to demonstrate competency in research skills in one of two ways: (a) submit a research paper to a peer-reviewed journal or (b) present a research paper at an annual meeting of a regional or national association conference/meeting.

3 Required for students lacking school district-level work experience.


The program is delivered in a hybrid format (a combination of online and face-to-face instruction) with most on-campus class meetings taking place on Saturdays.


Administrator license or equivalent credential or qualification is required for consideration.

Yes. Provide a copy of your transcript to the Program Coordinator to determine eligibility for transfer credit.

Click here to learn more about tuition, fees, and expenses.

Click here to learn more about possible scholarships or other funding opportunities.

The program is 67 hours, and may be completed in 3-3.5 years.

Program Coordinator

Dr. Myron Labat

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership

The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) program offers a terminal degree designed to prepare scholar-practitioners serving in P-12 leadership positions. By combining educational theory with action research, students learn how to critically examine problems and provide solutions to needs at the building and district levels. Graduates will possess the content knowledge and research skills to improve schools in the P-12 education system.

Admission Criteria

To be eligible for admission to the program, the applicant must hold a master's degree from an accredited institution, meet the basic requirements specified for graduate students at Mississippi State University, demonstrate interest in the mission of P-12 schools, and demonstrate academic proficiency based on the following indicators:

  1. Grade point average (GPA) of 3.40 on a 4.00 scale on previous graduate degree(s);
  2. Letter of endorsement from superintendent and two other letters of reference;
  3. Statement of purpose;
  4. Administrator's license and evidence of current and continuing school administration experience;
  5. Résumé; and
  6. Interview


Major Required Courses 36 hours
EDA 8163 Public School Finance 3
EDA 8223 Seminar in Administration 3
EDA 8423 Law and Ethics in Educational Leadership 3
EDA 8433 The Superintendency 3
EDA 8443 Politics and Policy in Educational Leadership 3
EDA 8453 Instructional Leadership 3
EDA 8453 Technology and Communication in Educational Leadership 3
EDA 8283 Educational Leadership 3
EDA 8353 Applications of Theory to Educational Administration 3
EDA 8413 Human Resources Administration in Education 3
EDA elective   3
EDA elective   3
Concentration 21 hours
EDA 8473 Introduction to Research in Educational Leadership 3
EDA 8493 Action Research 3
EDA 8483 Survey Research 3
EDA 8563 Program Evaluation 3
EDA 8623 Doctoral Capstone 1 3
EDA 8633 Doctoral Capstone 2 3
EDA 8643 Doctoral Capstone 3 3
Total Hours 57

Program Coordinator

Dr. Myron Labat